From America With Love
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Death of a Dream
Friday, July 12, 2024
It CAN Happen Here
Monday, April 1, 2024
Do You Get It Now?
Friday, May 26, 2023
That song comes to mind, the one that starts, "I can't stand to fly...".
"It's not easy to be me", croons a band I don't remember the name of.
Not that being YOU is a simple matter. I'm sure it is just as complicated. The only real difference in all of us is that we have unique stories. Our issues and circumstances may differ, but we have very similar reactions and feelings about them.
The primitive brain sort of fascinates me. This is where the "fight or flight" instinct kicks in, when we perceive a possible threat and react. It may not be Saber Tooth tigers we fight but our brains see the mortgage the same way, maybe with less panic but with intense anxiety, at the very least.
Professor Robert Sapolsky, of Stanford University, has a lecture on YouTube called, "Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers" that I highly recommend! Dr. Sapolsky explains how the amygdala, (the primitive part of our brains) serves us well when outrunning a tiger. It was great for primitive humans, trying to outrun threats and fight mastedons. But in 2023, it gives you an ulcer over your house payment. Your primitive brain sees threats, but maybe not categories of threats!
However, we humans have a highly developed frontal cortex which we use to reason, explain, and guide us to decisions.
Since we are all unique individuals, what I experience as "change", you may interpret as "threat". The cultures we grew up in, the generational differences and so on are sure to affect one's perceptions, as well.
This makes me wonder about the U.S., our people, and our politics.
When Donald Trump was running for President, I thought there was no way people would actually vote for him in large numbers. I felt comfortable voting for a third party candidate, feeling certain Hillary would win handily, anyway.
Wow! That November day in 2016 was a real shocker! As I sipped coffee and stared at my computer screen, I wondered how this bigot and misogynist pulled it off!
Now that we have had two years of the Biden administration and the same two years in both chambers, controlled by Democrats, we have seen things get done to help the American people. The infrastructure package worked out, clean energy, worker protection, and lowering drug costs will help many to have better lives.
But, to the fearful, this doesn't look the same as it does to me. To me, this is progress and it's good!
But, to Trump's loyalists, this help appears to be a political move. MTG was complaining in a video about high gas prices, wanting Joe Biden to use the power of the Presidency to lower fuel costs. After President Biden did this, by using our strategic oil reserve, MTG spoke angrily on the House floor about this, saying Biden's motives were purely political, ahead of the midterm elections.
It's not that people like MTG are that upset about YOUR price at the pump. No, it is rather your decision at the ballot box that she wants to turn in her favor,.
Also,, if she says Biden is playing
politics and abusing his power, rest assured, it is that very power she craves, and does NOT have, which angers her so! Obviously, she feels threatened by power, unless it is HER OWN!
Well, folks, I could go on analyzing this but the bottom line is that if you see a thing to be feared, let that primitive brain do its thing. However, it is important to remember that what you see as danger, I may see as simply an adventure to try, an interesting person I might talk with, or a new idea we haven't explored yet. Using the help of my frontal lobe, I have determined very few things actually threaten me. Drag queens, people of color, immigrants, gay married people (or gay single or widowed or divorced, as well)-none of these are a big deal, in my opinion. I also don't care what religious faith, if any, a person adheres to, as long as it does no harm.
It's called "live and let live", and it's excellent advice!
Be not afraid, my fellow Americans, especially of one another! We really ARE all in this together!
Thursday, March 30, 2023
Believing the Unbelievable
When I was in nursing school, I was assigned to a pediatric clinical rotation at one of our local hospitals. It was a pediatric floor, with an intensive care unit all its own, connected to the main inpatient area. It was a busy place, where I learned a great deal.
One of the best lessons I learned was to not believe your own thoughts, at all times. If you have any doubt, double-check or consult someone else, to have it viewed with fresh eyes. What you believe may not, if fact, be reality!
HOW I learned that was through the mistake of a fellow student nurse.
At the end of each clinical day, the nursing instructors met with their respective student groups, which consisted of approximately 6-8 students on each clinical floor. We would discuss our patients' cases, ask questions, and so on, per routine.
But, on this particular day, we were discussing drug dosages and how to calculate them for pediatric patients, both by age and by weight. We had done this in class, calculating for adult examples, and figuring out IV drip rates.
We listened, as our instructor gave us a hypothetical, where a three month old infant was to be given codeine. The number of milligrams per milliliter was given. The instructor told us the infant's weight and said to give "X" number of milligrams per kilogram of body weight. (By the way, this is where algebra class finally paid off!)
When we were done, most of us answered with the correct dosage on the first try. However, by one student's calculation, the infant would have been given one hundred times the correct dose. This would have been a fatal mistake! When she gave her answer with a straight face, the instructor tried to appear unfazed, yet what she said was deadly serious.
She looked directly at the student nurse and said, "What is frightening is not just that you got the dosage so wrong. It is MORE disturbing that you did not see your mistake. The number you came up with should have jumped out as a red flag as soon as you saw it."
I have never forgotten that. There have been plenty of times that I've asked a second nurse to double check my math, especially before drawing up an injectable medication, as they tend to be more potent and work more quickly, offering less chance to mitigate the impact of an error on the patient.
Today, as I watch members of Congress, like Marjorie Taylor Greene, say ludicrous things, I am reminded of my instructor's words.
"It is MORE disturbing that you did not see your mistake."
When Greene said in a committee hearing that one elementary school received five BILLION dollars in Covid funds, that was LUDICROUS!
But, Marjorie did not see her mistake; she didn't see that it's completely unrealistic that any one school would get that amount of money.
When this Congresswoman was spreading QAnon conspiracies and talking about Jewish space lasers and Hugo Chavez, she didn't see her mistake. Instead, she has pulled back since then, but with the explanation that she was "taken in, like so many others".
The most disturbing part in my mind is that Congresswoman Greene is NOT "like so many others". She is in a very powerful position in the House of Representatives and its so called "Freedom Caucus". She is in a position to create laws we all must abide by. She sits on important and powerful committees, including Homeland Security!
We must not elect leaders who can't see when their own ridiculous thinking needs a double check, a fresh set of eyes on the problem.
Just as we couldn't ignore the danger of being cared for by doctors or nurses who can't consider that they may be making an error, we also can't be led by Congress men and women who don't have the wisdom to realize when they, too, are mistaken in their thinking.
In healthcare, an error in thought or judgment could wreak havoc in one or a few people's lives.
A mistaken notion in Congress can affect over THREE-HUNDRED MILLION lives, and THAT is something we cannot afford to have go unchecked!
Monday, April 25, 2022
Naughty Republicans
Republicans seem to be obsessed with all things sexual, homosexual, and transexual, while mixing in a disturbing fixation on children. I am scratching my head at all that, but who knows? Maybe in Florida, it is standard operating procedure in school to have a discussion about Mickey blowing Pluto in the cafeteria, right after naps. It is Florida, after all!
Today, after watching a few reports about Governor DeSantis’ “Don’t Say Gay” law, I was thinking of the allegations against Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz, namely that he paid to have a seventeen year old girl transported across state lines for the purpose of sexual activity. I am pretty darn sure that falls under “interstate trafficking”, “sex trafficking”, and “human trafficking”, all three! Then, we have Madison Cawthorn, who feigns outrage over men "not being men". Yet, I was just looking at newly revealed photos of him, wearing black women's underpants and matching bra (very stylish). He was surrounded by several women. This is on the high heels of Cawthorn saying he has been invited to orgies at lawmakers' homes, earning him the wrath of his party's unhappy members.
My brain screamed, "What the hell is going on?!"
Because we all tend to have short memories, I thought I would help out by remembering these stories for you. What follows are links to some of the more memorable Republican/Christian sex scandals. Feel free to share!
That’s a start.
And, yes-I know about Bill Clinton. The girl, the cigar, the dress…I know.
Funny thing, though-she was nineteen.
As for the Clinton-Epstein connection, I lost a lot of respect for Bill on that one. I was not shocked, but disappointed, all the same.
Stay tuned, folks. We are mere months away from the mid-terms and it is bound to get even crazier. Buckle up!
Monday, January 17, 2022
Your Kid Can Pray
The 2021 "War on Christmas" is over. We are eleven blessed months away from the next one. I sigh with relief!
I like Christmas well enough. I was raised in the Presbyterian church, then was an active member of the United Church of Christ for over thirty years.
Thus, I can truthfully tell you that Christmas, when I was young, was a special holiday in our family. Once I had my own children, I enjoyed the Christmas lights, songs and activities we shared, now finding it even more fun.
But, I can honestly also say that I never thought those who do not celebrate that holiday were wrong. What on earth is a "war on Christmas" or a "war on Christianity"? As an American, I find it stunning that some of my fellow citizens would have school children be required to participate in public prayer. The talking point is that they want their child to be able to pray in school.
Perhaps I misunderstood the "rules" when I went to public school, where we did not have prayers in any organized fashion. Back then, as I'm sure it is today, kids prayed in school. Trust me-I prayed a lot!
Before every important test, I prayed to God to let me pass. Before every presentation in speech class, I prayed to God to allow me to be fluent and to not faint. In every P.E. class, I prayed to God to "just let the ball go to the softball star (or basketball or volleyball...) and not me! Dear Lord, have mercy! This outfield ain't big enough!"
From my own vast experience, I am here to testify that kids prayed then and they pray now.
It took me a while to have The School Prayer Epiphany. But, one day as I pondered yet another online news article about this controversy, it hit me like lightening!
Your kid can pray in school. Between classes, at lunch, on the way to and from the school building itself, study hall, are all chances each day for your child to pray, if he or she chooses to do that. So, where is the issue?
That was the flash and the thunder in my much clearer mind!
The issue is that some people want my kid to pray in school. Let me repeat that-my kid!
I was stunned at how simple it was and how long the whole thing had me confused. It was shameful, really. I try to be quicker than that!
Here's the bottom line: My kid can pray, just as yours can, if he so chooses. But, in a public, tax payer funded school, organized and/or public prayer is prohibited under our Constitution. Period.
Your kid can wear a cross necklace, carry a Bible, hold a rosary in hand, or none of the above in a public school. But, my kid can wear a pentagram necklace and carry a book on wicca, as well. In both instances, what cannot happen is that their teacher gathers them together to pray to Vishnu. Or Allah. Or Jesus. Or Satan. Or The Flying Spaghetti Monster! NO!
To summarize, I say "Merry Christmas", if I want to. But I don't subject others to some "Karen" or "Ken" tantrum if they say "Happy Holidays". I have taught my children that their belief, religious faith or lack of any tradition at all, is their private matter. Actually, even Jesus said, in Matthew Chapter 6, to keep your prayer life private.
Oddly enough, the simplest explanation of faith I've heard so far came from a young Pakistani man. In describing Islam, he said "The definition of Islam is "peace". It means finding peace on your journey toward God-and that is a journey that is personal. Each one has their own path." Isn't that beautiful?
It is sensible, tolerant, confident, and Constitutional.
Very beautiful, indeed!