Monday, April 25, 2022

Naughty Republicans

 Republicans seem to be obsessed with all things sexual, homosexual, and transexual, while mixing in a disturbing fixation on children. I am scratching my head at all that, but who knows? Maybe in Florida, it is standard operating procedure in school to have a discussion about Mickey blowing Pluto in the cafeteria, right after naps. It is Florida, after all!

Today, after watching a few reports about Governor DeSantis’ “Don’t Say Gay” law, I was thinking of the allegations against Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz, namely that he paid to have a seventeen year old girl transported across state lines for the purpose of sexual activity. I am pretty darn sure that falls under “interstate trafficking”, “sex trafficking”,  and “human trafficking”, all three! Then, we have Madison Cawthorn, who feigns outrage over men "not being men". Yet, I was just looking at newly revealed photos of him, wearing black women's underpants and matching bra (very stylish). He was surrounded by several women. This is on the high heels of Cawthorn saying he has been invited to orgies at lawmakers' homes, earning him the wrath of his party's unhappy members.

     My brain screamed, "What the hell is going on?!"

    Looking back, I think
most of the high profile sex scandals over the last several decades have involved Republicans, many of whom were self-proclaimed Christians. They have also been very much against equal rights for those in the LBGTQ community. Many have equated homosexuals with sex predators, especially pedophiles, or they have declared they are mentally sick in some way. Men who are transgender are seen as everything from “confused” to “perverted”, but never just “human”. 

Because we all tend to have short memories, I thought I would help out by remembering these stories for you. What follows are links to some of the more memorable Republican/Christian sex scandals. Feel free to share!

That’s a start.

And, yes-I know about Bill Clinton. The girl, the cigar, the dress…I know.

Funny thing, though-she was nineteen.

As for the Clinton-Epstein connection, I lost a lot of respect for Bill on that one. I was not shocked, but disappointed, all the same.

Stay tuned, folks. We are mere months away from the mid-terms and it is bound to get even crazier. Buckle up!


Monday, January 17, 2022

Your Kid Can Pray


The 2021 "War on Christmas" is over. We are eleven blessed months away from the next one. I sigh with relief!

I like Christmas well enough. I was raised in the Presbyterian church, then was an active member of the United Church of Christ for over thirty years.

Thus, I can truthfully tell you that Christmas, when I was young, was a special holiday in our family. Once I had my own children, I enjoyed the Christmas lights, songs and activities we shared, now finding it even more fun.

But, I can honestly also say that I never thought those who do not celebrate that holiday were wrong. What on earth is a "war on Christmas" or a "war on Christianity"? As an American, I find it stunning that some of my fellow citizens would have school children be required to participate in public prayer. The talking point is that they want their child to be able to pray in school. 

Perhaps I misunderstood the "rules" when I went to public school, where we did not have prayers in any organized fashion. Back then, as I'm sure it is today, kids prayed in school. Trust me-I prayed a lot!

Before every important test, I prayed to God to let me pass. Before every presentation in speech class, I prayed to God to allow me to be fluent and to not faint. In every P.E. class, I prayed to God to "just let the ball go to the softball star (or basketball or volleyball...) and not me! Dear Lord, have mercy! This outfield ain't big enough!"

From my own vast experience, I am here to testify that kids prayed then and they pray now.

It took me a while to have The School Prayer Epiphany. But, one day as I pondered yet another online news article about this controversy, it hit me like lightening!

Your kid can pray in school. Between classes, at lunch, on the way to and from the school building itself, study hall, are all chances each day for your child to pray, if he or she chooses to do that. So, where is the issue?

That was the flash and the thunder in my much clearer mind! 

The issue is that some people want my kid to pray in school. Let me repeat that-my kid!

I was stunned at how simple it was and how long the whole thing had me confused. It was shameful, really. I try to be quicker than that!

Here's the bottom line: My kid can pray, just as yours can, if he so chooses. But, in a public, tax payer funded school, organized and/or public prayer is prohibited under our Constitution. Period.

Your kid can wear a cross necklace, carry a Bible, hold a rosary in hand, or none of the above in a public school. But, my kid can wear a pentagram necklace and carry a book on wicca, as well. In both instances, what cannot happen is that their teacher gathers them together to pray to Vishnu. Or Allah. Or Jesus. Or Satan. Or The Flying Spaghetti Monster! NO!

To summarize, I say "Merry Christmas", if I want to. But I don't subject others to some "Karen"  or "Ken" tantrum if they say "Happy Holidays". I have taught my children that their belief, religious faith or lack of any tradition at all, is their private matter. Actually, even Jesus said, in Matthew Chapter 6, to keep your prayer life private. 

Oddly enough, the simplest explanation of faith I've heard so far came from a young Pakistani man. In describing Islam, he said "The definition of Islam is "peace". It means finding peace on your journey toward God-and that is a journey that is personal. Each one has their own path." Isn't that beautiful?

It is sensible, tolerant, confident, and Constitutional.

Very beautiful, indeed!

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

"Why are Americans choosing to quit their jobs in record numbers?"

American workers were hurt by the pandemic-and possibly helped by it, as well.

The number of workers in unions has sharply declined in my lifetime. As a kid, I remember "Look for the Union Label" as almost a national mantra. Efforts at union busting since then have put workers in unsafe environments and allowed them to be abused by management.

One woman told me her supervisor at a McDonald's slapped a cookie out of her hand on her break, telling her "You're too fat to be eating cookies." She would have liked to have walked out, but was raising her two grandchildren and needed the job.

There are, however, increasing numbers of workers unwilling to pay with their very sense of self worth. Not only that, but when childcare is unaffordable, people will look for remote work. When wages won't pay the bills, some go back to college or a trade school, to eventually earn more.

The shock for me has not been the numbers of people leaving their jobs. No-my surprise is that our leaders did not see this coming. I do believe they need to wake up and realize that an increase in the federal minimum wage, affordable daycare and the chance to unionize will all be required to get our people back to work.