Friday, May 26, 2023


 That song comes to mind, the one that starts,  "I can't stand to fly...".

"It's not easy to be me", croons a band I don't remember the name of.

Not that being YOU is a simple matter. I'm sure it is just as complicated. The only real difference in all of us is that we have unique stories. Our issues and circumstances may differ, but we have very similar reactions and feelings about them. 

 The primitive brain sort of fascinates me. This is where the "fight or flight" instinct kicks in,  when we perceive a possible threat and react. It may not be Saber Tooth tigers we fight but our brains see the mortgage the same way,  maybe with less panic but with intense anxiety, at the very least.

Professor Robert Sapolsky, of Stanford University, has a lecture on YouTube called, "Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers" that I highly recommend! Dr. Sapolsky explains how the amygdala, (the primitive part of our brains) serves us well when outrunning a tiger. It was great for primitive humans, trying to outrun threats and fight mastedons. But in 2023, it gives you an ulcer over your house payment. Your primitive brain sees threats, but maybe not categories of threats!

However, we humans have a highly developed frontal cortex which we use to reason, explain,  and  guide us to decisions. 

Since we are all unique individuals, what I experience as "change", you may interpret as "threat". The cultures we grew up in, the generational differences and so on are sure to affect one's perceptions, as well. 

This makes me wonder about the U.S., our people, and our politics. 

When Donald Trump was running  for President, I thought there was no way people would actually vote for him in large numbers. I felt comfortable voting for a third  party candidate, feeling certain Hillary would win handily, anyway. 

Wow! That November day in 2016 was a real shocker! As I sipped coffee and stared at my computer screen, I wondered how this bigot and misogynist pulled it off!

Now that we have had two years of the Biden administration and the same two  years in both chambers, controlled by Democrats, we have seen things get done to help the American people. The infrastructure package worked out, clean energy, worker protection, and lowering drug costs will help many to have better lives. 

But, to the fearful, this doesn't look the same as it does  to me. To me, this is progress and it's good!

But, to Trump's loyalists, this help appears to be a political move. MTG was complaining in a video about high gas prices, wanting  Joe  Biden to use the power of the Presidency to lower fuel costs. After President Biden did this, by using our strategic oil reserve, MTG spoke angrily on the House floor about this, saying Biden's motives were  purely political, ahead of the midterm elections.

It's not that people like MTG are that upset about YOUR price at the pump. No, it is rather your decision at the ballot box that she wants to turn in her favor,.

Also,, if she says Biden is playing 

politics and abusing his power,  rest assured, it is that very power she craves, and does NOT have, which angers her so! Obviously, she feels threatened by power, unless it is HER OWN!

Well, folks, I could go on analyzing this but the bottom line is that if you see a thing to be  feared, let that primitive brain do its thing. However, it is important to remember that what you see as danger, I may see as simply an adventure to try, an interesting person I might talk with, or a new idea we haven't explored yet. Using the help of my frontal lobe, I have determined very few things actually threaten me. Drag queens, people of color, immigrants, gay married people (or gay single or widowed or divorced, as well)-none of these are a big deal, in my opinion. I also don't care what religious faith, if any, a person adheres to, as long as it does no harm.

It's called "live and let live", and it's excellent advice! 

Be not afraid, my fellow Americans, especially of one  another! We really ARE all in this together!